AGFORWARD - AGroFORestry that Will Advance Rural Development | 2014 - 2017
AGFORWARD is a four-year research project funded by the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7). It started in January 2014 and will continue until December 2017.
The overall aim of the project is to promote agroforestry practices in Europe that will advance rural development i.e. improved competitiveness, and social and environmental enhancement.
In total, the project worked with 40 stakeholder groups and over 800 farmers and other stakeholders across 13 countries.
The project published forty-five key innovation leaflets, providing a highly valuable database of agroforestry practices across Europe.
AGROMIX (H2020) - Participatory research for resilient land use in Europe | 2020-2024
AGROMIX aim to transform agricultural landscapes through regenerative agricultural practices, such as agroforestry.
AGROMIX brings together farmers, researchers and policymakers to explore agroecological solutions for more resilient land use in Europe, developing tools to implement these practices.
Particularly, AGROMIW has developed knowledge hubs where stakeholders can interact and increase capacity building through common knowledge, in parallel the project has engaged activities to co-design new policies at the regional, national and EU level.
The project has recently issued a Policy White Paper, “Transforming European Food Systems with Agroforestry” to explore the potential of agroforestry in fostering transformational change in the EU’s food system.
AgroForAdapt (LIFE) - Promoting AFS as mesure to adapt to Climate Change | 2021-2026
The main objective of LIFE AgroForAdapt project is to promote agroforestry systems for climate change adaptation of the agrarian and forestry sectors in the Mediterranean.
The project focus on two types of agroforestry systems: silvoarable and silvopastoral systems. In both cases, the goal is to harness the benefits arising from the interactions between trees and crops or livestock.
Related to the project an insightful document issued by AGROOF (French cooperative focusing on research on Agroforestry) on how to co-develop Agroforestry Systems.
ReForest (H2020) – Agroforestry at the forefront of farming sustainably in multifunctional landscapes in Europe | 2022-2026
REFOREST aims to promote agroforestry as a land use type allowing food production while maintaining ecological sustainability.
REFOREST has the fundamental aim to use existing knowledge of temperate agroforestry systems to co-create solutions to key barriers that hinder wider adoption of this land use type by farmers in the EU and associated countries.
ReForest has created a KnowledgeHub for agroforestry-related content, offering free access to a database that provides valuable information on ongoing agroforestry projects and the latest research developments.
LIVINGAGRO (EU Funded) - Cross Border living laboratoires for Agroforestry
The LIVINGAGRO project aims to share innovations related to agroforestry with stakeholders working with olives and grazed woodlands in four Mediterranean countries: Italy, Greece, Lebanon and Jordan.
The project has a large and always growing multimedia database collecting Mediterranean agroforestry initiatives. The project connect to solid examples of agroforestry system conception and implementation.