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SOM - Société L'Ouest Marocain

The “Société Ouest Marocain” (SOM) is a family farm based on 800 hectares with a multicropping/livestock system. Located in Meknes region in center Morocco, which average rainfall has dropped from 550 mm/yr to 350/yr during the last couple of decades. They have adopted Conservation Agriculture (CA) on all 550 hectares of field crops since 2007. They have also adopted some Best Management Grazing Practices on their 200 hectares pastures ranges since 2007, where different tree and shrub species are being evaluated as AgroForestry/Pastoral system. Since then they have joined different national and international CA Networks and NGO to seek and share knowledge on CA system and to help them make science based decisions. 

Role in the project

SOM will be mainly involved in Work Package 4, establishing the Agro-Foresty trials and planting different Tree and Schrub species on degraded, over-grazed lands.

Key Persons Involved

  • AbdelAziz Zine El Abidine  
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