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UM6P - University Mohammed VI Polytechnic

Mohammed VI Polytechnic University is an international multidisciplinary university, established to provide research and innovation at the service of education, research and development for Morocco but also for other African countries. It has a state-of-the-art campus at the heart of the Green City of Benguerir, near Marrakesh. UM6P academics and staff have access to the excellent infrastructure and facilities as support to research, development and education as well as working and living conditions. Its research approach is transdisciplinary with an emphasis on international collaboration. Many of our research programs run as start-ups. 

Role in the project

UM6P actively participates in the Transformed project through contributions to seven work packages (WPs), specifically WP1, WP2, and WP6. UM6P’s role in WP1 focuses on capitalizing on and upscaling its experiences and success stories related to implementing the agroforestry platform at UM6P, using Atriplex as an agroforestry species adapted to the arid Mediterranean climate. In WP2, UM6P will implement and monitor soil restoration actions by establishing agroforestry systems in various degraded areas, selecting the most suitable sites for restoration, and collaborating with other partners to develop an appropriate framework for monitoring soil restoration. Regarding seedling quality improvement, UM6P will conduct training sessions and field days for farmers on techniques related to seedling production in nurseries and corps management in agroforestry systems. All data and information generated through the various WPs in Transformed will be disseminated in WP6, in alignment with the project’s communication strategy focused on knowledge sharing and innovation. 

Key Persons Involved

  • Khalil El Mejahed 
  • Adnane Beniaich 
  • Atmane Ben Said 



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